Career Education is a course requirement for students in Grade 8. Career Education 8 is run in conjunction with Digital Literacy 8 in Explore A rotation. Careers 8 students learn about their strengths, interests and start exploring career choices.
Career Education is a course requirement for students in Grade 9. The aim of Career Education is to provide students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will assist them in making informed decisions related to their education about post-secondary life and their future careers. CE 9 provides a foundation of learning for Career Life Education 10, which is a required Graduation Program course. This course is delivered embedded within other courses as well as in one day events, assemblies and presentations. It is not a stand-alone course that students need to request.
Career Life Education 10 is an extension of the curricula for Career Life Education K to 9. It is a four-credit course that students must complete in order to satisfy graduation requirements. Career Life Education 10 provides opportunities for students to plan for successful learning in the Graduation Program, explore a wide range of post-secondary and career options, think critically about life issues and decisions, develop financial literacy skills, and develop self-awareness and interpersonal skills. Students are also provided with opportunities to develop their technology and presentation skills, as well as their awareness of social media and Internet safety. Including Career Life Education 10 among the courses required to graduate recognizes the interrelated areas of intellectual, social, and career development in helping students to become educated citizens. It also recognizes the need for students to understand the personal relevance of their studies and to acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that can help them to manage their lives more purposefully and effectively. Career Life Education is run using both Blended and in-person models at Argyle.
Career Life Connections is a Ministry of Education graduation requirement for students to complete in order to be eligible for graduation. The course builds upon Career Life Education 10 with a focus on preparing students for a successful transition to life after secondary school. Students refine their career-life development goals for personal, educational, and work-related contexts through experiential learning, cultivating community connections, gathering authentic evidence of learning, reflecting on their learning in school and out of school, and self-assessing their Core Competency development.
Starting in the 2025-2026 school year, course work for Career Life Connections will take place in both Grade 11 and 12. In Grade 11 students (Grad year 2027) will take Career-Life Connections A (MCLCA12) in the blended format (2 credits). The blended format includes both online and in-person class activities and assemblies, the majority of which will be during Flex time. Course work in Career Life Connections. A will focus on graduation requirements, exploration of post-secondary personal and career goals, planning for transition to post-secondary life, and maintaining personal wellness through making informed decisions. In Grade 12 students will be preparing and presenting their final Capstone Presentation for Career-Life Connections B (MCLCB12) in a blended format (2 credits). Upon successful completion of both segments of the course students will receive 4 credits for Career Life Connections.
Grade 12 students in 2025-26 (Grad year 2026) will take a four credit blended CLC 12 course.
Argyle's Co-op Career program offers students a number of work experience placements, which provides them with the opportunity to combine an in-depth exploration of a potential career area while completing requirements for high school graduation. The main purpose of this work experience program is for the student to gain exposure to a workplace in a field of employment that interests them as a possible career path while attaining high school graduation.
Work Experience 11/12
The program is a four-credit elective offered in Block 4 or Block 8. It is available for Grade 11 and 12 students who wish to continue focusing on their academic school endeavours while also having the opportunity to experience a dynamic and meaningful work placement. The program is designed for those academic students wishing to gain experience(s) in a potential career that is to be their focus in their post-secondary studies.
The course is comprised of 3 parts:
- “Pre-employment" where students discover and research their career interest, work on their resume and interview skills and obtain employee desired certifications such as FOODSAFE, WorldHost and WorkSafe BC.
- “Employment" where students are placed in work placements. Students are expected to work 4 to 5 hours per week in their placements. Some of this time will be during class time and some of it will be beyond the scheduled school day.
- “Post employment" where students update resumes and research and apply for summer employment.
In most cases, work experience consists of non-paid placements. The use of paid employment for credit will occur in special circumstances. Please contact Wayne Shaw at or go to the Career Resource Centre (RM 177) for more information. Students who successfully pass the course may take it again for an additional four credits.
Co-op Program Year 1
This program is for students in grade 11 or 12 and takes place during a full day (day one or day two) and takes 3 full courses:
- Work Experience 12 A
- Work Experience 12 B
- Career Life Education 12
Grade 11 or 12 students complete a work placement that will be full-time for at least 10 weeks.
The Career Work Experience courses are primarily designed to take place outside of the school setting. At least 90 hours of course time must consist of actual work placements.
All students participating in a Work experience course must have an in-school orientation to prepare them for the workplace.
Youth Work In Trades - Co-Op Program Year 2
Argyle's Youth Work in Trades Co-op program provides students with the opportunity to begin their apprenticeship training while attending high school.
A Secondary School Apprentice is:
- 15 years of age or older
- Working in a paid, part time opposition in an apprenticable trade (Go to SkilledTradesBC for a list of apprenticable trades in B.C.)
- Under the supervision of an qualified worker
- Registered with the Industry Training Authority (ITA)
The student will receive 4 credits towards graduation for every 120 hours completed on the job site, to a maximum of 16 credits or 480 hours. Four credits will be given for each of:
- Youth Work In Trades (WRK 11A)
- Youth Work In Trades (WRK 11B)
- Youth Work In Trades (WRK 12A)
- Youth Work In Trades (WRK 12B)
The WRK program combines paid work-based training and a provincial curriculum that focuses on connecting, applying, reflecting on, and refining workplace skills and safety, work ethic, and job readiness.
Apprenticeship hours can be can be accommodated during school time in the Coop Timetable.
Students who complete the 1000 hours, achieve a C+ average in their Grade 12 courses, and are working in the trade six months after graduation can apply to the Ministry of Education for the Secondary School Apprenticeship Scholarship valued at $1000.00.
A “hidden" apprentice is a high school student working in an apprenticable trade, but unaware that they can register with the Industry Training Authority. By registering as a Secondary School Apprentice, the student will receive graduation credits, get a head start on earning their trade certification and become eligible for the $1,000 scholarship. The student is encouraged to contact the school's Secondary School Facilitator to determine if their job is apprenticable.
Additional information on apprenticeships can be found on the Skilled Trades BC:
SkilledTradesBC or contact Wayne Shaw (Co-op Advisor) for more information.